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Dr. M keahlian 'O1' keluar Umno (mStar 19/5/08)
Mahathir quits Umno (Malaysiakini 19/5/08)
PM shocked by Dr M's decision (Malaysiakini 19/5/08)
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Ku Li to remain to initiate reforms (Malaysiakini 19/5/08)
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Shahrir: Bersiap sedia untuk p'raya baru (Malaysiakini 19/5/08)
Shahrir: Prepare for another general election (Malaysiakini 19/5/08)
Syed Ali: Tindakan Dr M keruhkan keadaan (Malaysiakini 19/5/09)
Mahathir resigns, deepening cracks in Umno (Malaysian Insider)
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Umno Perlis rayu Tun Mahathir timbang semula (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)
Ahli-ahli Umno diminta bertenang (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)
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Duri dalam daging sudah terkeluar - Musa Hitam (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)
Abdullah tak sangka Dr. Mahathir keluar Umno (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)
Tun Mahathir diminta tarik balik keputusan (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)
Najib harap ahli Umno bertenang, terus sokong parti (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)
Perjalanan politik Dr. Mahathir (mStar 19/5/08)
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Dr Mahathir isytihar keluar Umno
Tun Mahathir keluar Umno (Utusan Malaysia 19/5/08)(Ihsan Berita Harian)
Berita Harian (19/5/08): Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad secara terbuka mengumumkan keluar daripada Umno sebagai protes kepada keengganan Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meletak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan mengajak ahli lain keluar parti bersamanya.
Bagaimanapun beliau menasihatkan ahli yang keluar Umno tidak menyertai parti lawan dan masuk semula Umno apabila Abdullah meletak jawatan.
Tun Dr Mahathir umum keluar Umno berkuatkuasa serta merta (Bernama 19/5/08)
Tiada harta tiga generasi supaya Dr M keluar Umno
Harakahdaily (19/5/08): Pembangkang tidak pernah memberikan harta yang banyak hingga boleh hidup senang-lenang sehingga tiga generasi untuk memujuk Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad keluar dari Umno, kata Ketua Penerangan PAS, Haji Mahfuz Omar.Dr M, Sanusi quit Umno
"Apa yang berlaku itu bukan lagi sekadar tsunami politik tetapi taufan nargis sebenarnya sedang melanda negara ini," kata beliau ketika diminta mengulas tindakan Dr Mahathir keluar dari Umno.
Ketika menyatakan tindakannya keluar dari Umno, Dr Mahathir berkata, surat rasmi mengenai tindakan beliau keluar dari Umno akan dihantar kepada Setiausaha Agung parti itu secepat mungkin.
Katanya, beliau akan berada di luar Umno selagi Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi memimpin parti itu.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan ucapan bertajuk `Kedudukan Orang Melayu Pasca Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12� di Alor Star hari ini.
Beliau juga menolak tanggapan bahawa tindakannya itu mempunyai kaitan dengan laporan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja berhubung klip video Datuk V. K. Lingam yang mencadangkan beliau bersama lima yang lain disiasat segera.
Sambil menyifatkan kes itu sebagai kes mahkamah, Dr Mahathir berkata beliau bersedia dipenjara jika didapati bersalah.
Mengulas lanjut perkembangan tersebut, Mahfuz melihat apa yang berlaku itu bukan sekadar krisis Umno sahaja tetapi krisis negara.
Abdullah bukan sekadar Presiden Umno tetapi Perdana Menteri negara ini, kata beliau.
Krisis makanan
"Apabila bekas Perdana Menteri menolak kepimpinan penggantinya, ia sebenarnya bermakna krisis kepimpinan negara.
"Apabila Perdana Menteri menghadapi krisis kepercayaan, ia akan memberi kesan yang buruk kepada semua perkara termasuk sektor ekonomi.
"Jangan terperanjat jika krisis makanan yang melanda negara ini sekarang akan bertambah buruk akibat krisis kepercayaan terhadap Perdana Menteri," Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu mengingatkan.
Perkara tersebut, katanya lagi, telah berlarutan sehingga beberapa tahun dan beliau berharap rakyat berindak segera untuk menjamin keselamatan dan ketenteraman negara.
"Rakyat mesti sedar bahawa krisis kepimpinan mempunyai kaitan yang sangat rapat dengan keselamatan negara dan ketenteraman awam," katanya.
Rakyat juga mesti bertindak, katanya lagi, kerana sukar dipercayai Abdullah akan bertindak sebagai negarawan.
Anak menantu
"Seorang negarawan mengutamakan kepentingan negara untuk mengelakkan krisis berpanjangan, bukan kepentingan diri dan anak menantunya.
"Sukar dipercayai Perdana Menteri akan bertindak sebagai negarawan," katanya.
Beliau juga meminta ahli-ahli Umno terutama ahli-ahli Parlimen Umno bertindak sebagai negarawan dan keluar beramai-ramai dari parti itu sebagaimana yang diseru oleh Dr Mahathir.
"Tidak ada jalan lain untuk menyelamatkan negara ini dari krisis berpanjangan melainkan keluar dari Umno seperti yang dilakukan oleh Dr Mahathir," tegas beliau.
Mahfuz meminta rakyat menyorot apa yang berlaku sebelum pilihan raya di mana Dr Mahathir meminta penyokong Barisan Nasional supaya jangan mengundi pemimpin yang "korup dan tunggul mati" dalam pilihanraya umum 8 Mac lalu.
"Apabila -pemimpin-pemimpin yang dilihat "korup dan tunggul mati" bukan sahaja dicalonkan semula oleh Umno, menang dan sebahagian dari mereka kini berada dalam kabinet atau menjadi Menteri Besar atau Exco-Exco di negeri-negeri, sebab itulah Dr Mahathir keluar dari parti itu.
"Itulah satu-satunya jalan untuk menyelamatkan negara ini," katanya.
Mahfuz berharap rakyat tidak lupa kegagalan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk membersihkan Umno dari dalam.
"Tidak sama dengan janjinya untuk membersihkan Umno dari dalam ketika menyertai parti itu pada tahun 1982 lalu, Anwar akhirnya terpaksa berada di luar Umno untuk membersihkan negara dari parti itu," kata beliau. (Komen-komen di sini)
The Star (19/5/08): Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and veteran party man Tan Sri Sanusi Junid announced Monday that they are quitting Umno.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced this on Monday at 12.35pm, citing a lack of confidence in the current leadership.
"I am quitting Umno today," he told about 1,000 people, mostly Kedah Umno members, at a talk here on Monday.
"I will write a letter to Umno headquarters to inform that I have quit the party," he said.
He has been critical of his appointed successor Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, blaming the current Umno president for the party's disappointing performance in the 12th general election.
The ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, of which Umno is the largest component party, won the March 8 election with a simple majority, and saw four more states join Kelantan under Opposition rule.
Dr Mahathir urged other party members to quit too, as a way of pressuring Abdullah into vacating his post.
However, he advised those who do quit not to join any opposition party, adding they can all rejoin the party once there is a change in leadership.
Abdullah has so far refused all calls for him to step down, and said he would defend his presidency in the party polls in December.
Sanusi, who is a former Kedah Mentri Besar, also quit the party on Monday.
PM Abdullah: Shocked
Meanwhile, Abdullah said he was shocked by the decision and, despite their differences, had not expected him to leave.
However, the beleaguered premier said he would stay on and fight for the party.
“Perhaps some other members might leave too, but this won’t entirely affect the party. It all depends on whether the rest want to stay on and continue to fight for the party too,” he said.
Umno Deputy President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak expressed his shock and sadness too.
Najib, who read a prepared statement to Malaysian reporters at Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt, said he was prepared to meet Dr Mahathir to discuss his decision.
"I will also discuss with Datuk Seri Abdullah, whom I had contacted just now, on efforts to strengthen Umno and also the issue of leadership transition in the party.
"I hope all Umno members will stay calm and give support to our efforts to strengthen the party," he added.
In KLANG: Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo said Dr Mahathir’s decision will affect public perception of Umno’s strength and possibly discourage youngsters from joining the party.
Many of those aged below 40 years grew up during Dr Mahathir’s premiership and hold him in high regard.
“Dr Mahathir’s resignation will have a huge impact on the trust that this group of people, including the Malays, have in Umno and its capability to lead the country,” he said.
He said youngsters wanting to join the party now might also shy away as questions would be raised on Umno’s ability to be effective as a party.
“These youngsters might not join other parties but they will stay away until Umno can mend the current situation and avoid splits in the party,” he said.
In PUTRAJAYA, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said it was a bad time for Dr Mahathir to quit Umno as the party was going through a difficult period.
He said the resignation would not help in efforts to rebuild Umno.
"He is doing more damage than good; whatever it is, the party is still looking for a new direction and we need everyone to remain united and not split," he said.
Syed Hamid expressed fear for the future of Umno because Dr Mahathir had a great influence and a person of his stature could rattle and destroy the party.
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said Dr Mahathir's hatred for Abdullah was seemingly stronger than his love for Umno.
He said the former premier should realise that asking others to follow his footsteps would only make it easier for Pakatan Rakyat to take over the Federal Government.
"What he is saying is that if you love Umno, leave Umno -- it does not make sense," he said.
Shahrir also said that Jerlun MP Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir should be the first to take up his father's suggestion to quit.
Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib said he was surprised at the decision, but added that it was Dr Mahathir's right to do so.
"Every member has the right to join or leave the party," he said.
Asked if Umno would convene an emergency meeting, the former Umno vice-president and Selangor Mentri Besar said that "we will wait and see."
The next Umno Supreme Council meeting is scheduled to be held within two to three weeks.
Urged to reconsider
In IPOH, MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan called on Dr Mahathir to reconsider his decision.
Speaking at a press conference after a Wesak Day celebration at the Malaysian Buddhist Associatino (Perak branch) hall here, Ong said he was saddened by Dr Mahathir's sudden announcement.
Barisan Nasional was currently facing a huge challenge and his decision would not benefit Umno and the coalition, said Ong, who is also Housing and Local Government Minister.
As a former Prime Minister, his words carried weight and would affect all levels of the people including party leaders, he said.
“We do not hope for any more problems and neither should we create more,” he said. “Our country needs stability and not uncertainty. His decision would paint a bad impression for the rakyat (citizenry) and foreign investors,” he added.
Lumut Umno division chief Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir also urged Dr Mahathir to reconsider his decision.
“I feel very sad with Tun's decision to leave the party. It should not have happened in the first place,” he said.
Dr Zambry, who is also Pangkor assemblyman, said Dr Mahathir was a great leader who provided a sense of direction and ideas for the party and country.
The problem involved a former president and the present one, he said, adding that it so happened that the predecessor had appointed the current one.
“So it is a complex issue,” he said, adding that the current leadership must immediately find ways to overcome the problems in the party.
Dr Zambry pointed out that it was not unprecedented for former party presidents to quit Umno, adding that Dr Mahathir was the party's fourth president to leave the party.
The other three were the late Datuk Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn, he added.
In PETALING JAYA, Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said said Dr Mahathir's decision would not solve the problems faced by the party and would instead give more strength to the Opposition.
"At this time when the party is under stress, all parties including leaders and former leaders must work together to heal Umno so it becomes firm and strong," she said.
In MALACCA, Umno veteran and stalwart Tan Sri Aziz Tapa, 85, said that he was shocked at the news and was at a loss for words.
“How can it be when he (Mahathir) says that he loves Umno? I met him only few days ago in Johor and everything seemed okay. What he is doing is not right,” he said when contacted here on Monday.
Umno supreme council member Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Chik described the move as an "interesting but tragic development" for Umno.
"It's shocking news to me. If true, then I would say that it is an interesting yet tragic development for the party,” he said.
Reacting to Dr Mahathir's resignation, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said, “This will weaken the party at a time when it is facing its enemies.”
Dr Mahathir joined Umno at its inception in 1946.
He became a Member of Parliament in 1964 when he won the Kota Setar Selatan seat.
He lost the seat in the following general election in 1969.
Following the May 13, 1969, riots Dr Mahathir was sacked from the Umno Supreme Council on July 12 because of the widespread distribution of his letter to first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman criticising Tunku’s manner of handling the country’s administration.
Dr Mahathir rejoined Umno on March 7, 1972 and was appointed Senator in 1973. He relinquished the senatorship post a year later to contest the Kubang Pasu seat in the general elections. He was returned unopposed and was appointed Minister of Education.
In 1975, Dr Mahathir became one of the three vice-presidents of Umno.
Tun Hussein Onn appointed Dr Mahathir Deputy Prime Minister on Sept 15, 1978.
Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia from July 16, 1981, until Oct 31, 2003.
What our Citizen Bloggers say:
And we say good riddance
About time
Dr M leaves UMNO - Good
Happy days are here again
1946: Joined United Malays National Organisation (Umno).
1947: While a medical student, he wrote extensive anti-colonial commentaries in Malay newspapers under the pen-name "Che Det".
1957: Resigned from government service as a doctor. Starts private practice.
1964: Entered active politics as Kota Star Selatan MP.
1965-1969: Member, Umno Supreme Council.
Sept 1969: Expelled from Umno for disciplinary reasons. Re-admitted on March 7, 1972.
June 1972: Elected a member of the Umno Supreme Council with the highest number of votes. Lost in the election for an Umno Vice-President post.
Dec 1972: Appointed a Senator by the Kedah State Legislative Assembly.
1974-2004: MP for Kubang Pasu, Kedah.
Sept 1974: Education Minister.
June 1975: Umno Vice-President.
March 1976: Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Education.
1977: Acting Chairman, Umno Liaison Committee, Malacca.
Jan 1978: Deputy Prime Minister & Trade and Industry Minister.
May 1978: Chairman, Perak Umno Liaison Committee.
Sept 1978: Umno Deputy President.
June 1981: Barisan Nasional Chairman.
June 1981: Umno President.
July 16 1981: Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Minister of Defence (until 1986) and Minister of Home Affairs (until 1999).
July 17 1987: Umno Political Bureau Chairman.
Feb 16 1988: Pro-tem President of Umno Baru. Umno was declared an illegal society on Feb 4, 1988.
Dec 1993: Kelantan Umno Chairman. Chairman, Politics and Constitution Committees of the Supreme Council.
Sept 1998-Jan 1999: Finance Minister. June 2001 - Finance Minister.
June 22 2002: Announced his intention to resign from all political and government posts at the final day of the 56th Umno assembly. Appeals from Umno Supreme Council members.
Oct 31 2003: Retired as PM and Umno president after 22 years.
Sept 2006: Fails in bid to be an Umno delegate for the Umno general assembly coming in ninth out of 15 contestants in the Kubang Pasu division.
May 19 2008: Quits Umno (Comments in Malaysia Today)
OUT OF UMNO, AGAIN: At Alor Star while giving a talk in a forum today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced that he was quitting the party with immediate effect, sending wide reverberations throughout the party and country, with many Umno leaders and members shocked by his action. This is the second time he is out of the Umno, the first was in 1969 when he was sacked for dissenting against Tunku Abdul Rahman. Will there be a third act for Dr Mahathir? (Courtesy of NST)![]()
NST (19/5/08): After goading Umno members today to temporarily resign from Umno as a sign of protest against the party president, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took up a “dare” to take the lead by resigning from the party he had been a founding member of since 1946. However, he implored Umno members taking up his challenge not to join any other party and remain independent, at least until the Umno leadership was determined (after the December party elections). He indicated that he will only rejoin the party when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steps down as Umno president.
Dr Mahathir was answering questions from the floor after giving a talk at a forum entitled 'Malays’ Future after the 12th General Election' at the Star City Hotel in Alor Star when a member of the audience asked him if he would take the lead in quitting Umno.
“Wah, saya di cabar ni…(looks like I have been dared),” he quipped but in a serious tone, he said: “Yes, I will leave Umno….until the party leadership is determined. Other Umno members should follow me.”
Loud cheers immediately met his declaration. It is not immediately clear if his son, Datuk Mukhriz, also the MP for Jerlun and an Umno Youth Exco member, would follow suit. Another of Dr Mahathir’s son, Datuk Mokhzani, was reported as saying that his father's decision was a “sign of no confidence” in Abdullah’s leadership.
One notable Umno leader who has apparently took on Dr Mahathir's call to resign is former Umno secretary-general and Kedah mentri Besar Datuk Seri Sanusi Junid, who said he will release an official statement later.
However, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, once Dr Mahathir's greatest foe but now seen as a key ally, dismissed expectations that he too would quit Umno, saying that he will continue with his bid to challenge Abdullah for the party presidency in the December party elections.
Datuk Shahrir Samad, an Umno supreme council member and Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, was quoted by AFP as saying that Dr Mahathir's resignation may precipitate a general election.
"The shock resignation may compel many Umkno members, especially MPs, to quit Umno, thus forcing the Prime Minister to form a new Government or call for a snap election," he was quoted as saying.
The former Prime Minister's announcement also caught his aides by surprise.
Dr Mahathir explained that this was not the first time he was out of Umno. “Between 1969 and 1970, I was expelled from Umno but later, when many Malays and Umno members still supported me, I re-entered Umno. There was no problem. Just don’t join other parties.”
At a Press conference later, Dr Mahathir said he will submit his resignation from Umno as soon as possible.
He insisted that his resignation had nothing to do with the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam video clip. “I am just protesting against the Abdullah’s leadership of Umno and country,” he said.
In their report leaked to the Press, the Commission of Inquiry named Dr Mahathir, lawyer Datuk V. K. Lingam, former chief justices Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and Tun Eusoff Chin, tycoon Tan Sri Vincent Tan and former tourism minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor, for conspiring to fix the appointments and promotions of judges.
The government's then instructed the Attorney-General to begin investigations into the six figures named but Dr Mahathir responded by claiming that he would "not settle for less" than his day in court so that he could defend himself against allegations that he was at the centre of a judicial appointments scandal in 2001.
Dr Mahathir had hoped that when investigations into the conspiracy were completed, he would be charged so that he can reveal what really went on behind the scenes at the time, including instances of judges lobbying him for promotions.
Mahathir’s resignation was a culmination of two years of vitriolic criticisms against Abdullah. Dr Mahathir began finding fault with Abdullah after the latter cancelled several mega projects initiated by the ex-PM, notably the new bridge that would link Singapore with Johor Baru.
In an immediate reaction, former Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat said Dr Mahathir is was the only leader who left Umno, pointing to Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn who never returned to Umno.
“Yet, they were founding fathers of the party. They never return to the party after retiring so there is nothing unusual about his resignation. It has happened in the past and it happens now. It is unfortunate that after making so much noise, he is leaving the party.
“His leaving would not have a serious effect to the party and I do not think that his action will be heeded by other members as they still love the party. After the last general election, Umno members have reflected deeply on what they should do to revive and revitalise Umno. They would not desert the party.”
MCA vice president Datuk Ong Tee Keat said the resignation came as a shock to him because he never expected Dr Mahathir to do it. “Not at this juncture. At the moment, I am not sure what sort of effect or ripples it will cause BN and MCA. But I am convinced Umno, as an established party within the BN coalition, would have sufficient experience and maturity in resolving such problem. What is more important now is for BN to stay firmly together”.
Gerakan secretary general Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye expressed shock at Dr Mahathir’s resignation. “This is shocking, it’s hard to believe. I hope this will not bring further instability to Barisan Nasional. I also hope things will settle down and the matter resolved in a calm manner.”
MIC secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said it was unfortunate for Dr Mahathir to resign from the party which he had been a president for a long time. “His instigating others to follow suit in light of the current problems faced by the party, will further weaken it. We hope other members will be clear-headed in this matter.”
Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee said Dr Mahathir’s resignation sent shock waves because of his immense influence among Umno grassroots.” I think the nation is in for some exciting politics,” he said.
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) president Datuk Liew Vui Keong said Dr Mahathir’s decision should be respected and accepted by all concerned. “I can only wish him the best. His resignation may cause a ripple, but how far it will have an effect is best left to the party.”
Sabah Umno liaison committee secretary Datuk Yahya Hussin described the resignation as “very unfortunate” because he was “our president.”
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